Does everyone know you are excellent?
Public Relations Health Check Review

Our organisation has journalistic and communications experience in the public, private and third sectors. We can undertake a public relations health check review of your organisation, helping you to maximise opportunities to promote your successes and gain positive PR.

The PR Health Check Review will appraise the effectiveness of your public relations processes and communications strategy going forward.

It will include:

PR Opportunity Response

How does an organisation deal with the media? Does it go into a spin when the press come calling? Is there a need for a culture change to enable greater understanding of media relations demands to the benefit of the organisation? Are you able to generate and, if necessary, engineer PR opportunities to ensure your customers are aware of your positive impact, thereby improving satisfaction?

PR Target Market Review

What are the target markets for your internal and external communications strategy and are your public relations hitting the mark? Do different mediums of communication need to be employed? Are your external and internal communications strategies fit for purpose? We will take a look at your existing media releases to see if they can be improved, with the aim of maximising customer satisfaction and exposure through an effective media or press relations campaign.

PR for Elected Members

Do elected members know the importance of an effective communications strategy? Positive PR helps their cause on the doorstep, ensuring their work is recognised in the community, as well as the local authority. Effective PR can be an important tool in their time management, bringing with it the benefits of a raised profile. Our PR Consultants will look at good and bad practice with regards to hard-to-reach communities and offer ideas on reaching the likes of the homeless, foreign nationals, young people, non-users of services and drug users.

PR Planning

Our PR consultant will look at your PR planning for the future to ensure that forthcoming events generate positive publicity through effective media or press relations campaigns.

PR Training

Our communications expert will evaluate your PR training needs, supporting officers and elected members with their requirements.

PR Budgeting and Investment Review

Our PR consultant can carry out value-for-money checks on resourcing and costs such as printing and distribution of newsletters.

PR through the Web

Our communications expert will look at your web strategy to see if you are using the internet effectively. Is your organisation encouraging self help through online forms and interactive features and so seizing opportunities to provide value for money services 24/7?

Partnership PR

When it comes to partner working does your organisation communicate effectively with complementary service providers and do you maximise public relations opportunities to ensure your customers know what you’re doing and understand the benefits of working together?