Have you got the 'golden thread'?

As experts in public sector consultancy, we can ensure that your organisation has the ‘golden thread' – a shared understanding and ‘buy-in’ to the vision, goals and values of the organisation - and that this is mirrored within your strategies and policies.

Through your appraisal process, your staff will understand exactly how they fit into the business vision and strategy and how their day-to-day work contributes to wider organisational achievement.

  • Clarity of Vision for your Corporate Plan 
  • Shared Priorities within the organisation AND with your partners 
  • Robust, up-to-date Strategies and Policies 
  • SMART Service Planning 
  • Linked staff appraisals 
  • Community and customer engagement, empowerment and consultation drives your strategy development

YCChange Consultants Ltd can work with you to help you set a clear vision for your organisation. We facilitate management, board and staff workshops, which set goals for the organisation and support you in setting and clarifying your priorities. We can critique your strategies, improvement plans and policies, making sure they are aligned with your vision and priorities, are customer led and reflect good practice and positive organisational values.

We can work with you on your most appropriate cycle of performance review to ensure your organisation is up to date and ahead of the competition.

We work with your managers on service and performance planning, ensuring SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, resourced/realistic and timebound) targets and actions for improvement.

Your journey to excellence requires knowledge, understanding and motivation across the whole of your organisation to achieve the clear vision you set. Our value-for-money support cannot help but deliver efficiency and clarity.

If you would like to know more about our service offering in relation to business excellence through Purpose, then please contact Yvonne Castle on 07974 218726.